Final day of work for Life360

Monday 23rd March was the final deadline for producing the print version of Life360.

Final flatplan layout. Every detail counts.
Final flatplan layout. Every detail counts.


There is always something to change. Check, check and re-check was our motto on Monday.
There is always something to change. Check, check and re-check was our motto on Monday.


We thought we had everything under control and things were going smoothly until the last hour and a half. We began feeling the pressure of the deadline and InDesign was being a b**ch!


Final subbing for Charlotte's feature as Victoria reads through.
Final subbing for Charlotte’s feature as Victoria reads through.

Also, when we finally sent everything off to print, the printer, obviously, ran out of ink. And the whole building had no spare ink cartridges.

Alba cries as the printer lets us down...
Alba cries as the printer lets us down…

At this point, people were running around, frantically, trying to find help with the techies… Meanwhile last-second touches needed to be adjusted on InDesign and, well, we missed our official deadline.


But no matter! We are very proud with the result and the hard work and unexpected problems were definitely worth it. The magazine looks amazing and we hope you will enjoy reading it.

Life360 finally printed out!
Life360 finally printed out!

Thanks for following this production blog. We had so much fun making it. You’ve had a chance to see how we work, as if you were part of the Life360 team!


Until next time, Life360 signing off.

About Sophie Gardner-Roberts