Technology for distant love

Life360 asked couples in long distance relationship about their top tools to keep in touch.

In Season 5, Episode 2 of TV series The Big Bang Theory, Howard is trying to show Leonard something that will help his long distance relationship. Raj volunteers for a trial with Howard to use the kissing machine described as ‘Internet kissing’.

Leonard feels awkward when looking at Raj and Howard working out. Photo credit: The Big Bang Theory
Leonard feels awkward when looking at Raj and Howard making out. Photo credit: The Big Bang Theory

This is TV so may be a little over dramatic, but in reality there are several tools that people can use to make their long distance partner seem closer.

1. Between

An app for long distance relationships, it offers a private space where you can share each moment with that special someone only. Long distance relationships usually involve time differences but when you use Between these problems can be solved. You can create, share, and remember all your moments with each other. It works fast with a Wi-Fi connection and you can have secure one-to-one chat using stickers to express your love. What’s more, it has an easy-to-use calendar for important dates and anniversaries.

Official picture from LINE. Photo credit: LINE
Official picture from LINE. Photo credit: LINE


LINE is a popular app used in Asia. Similar to Between, LINE is also an instant messaging app. The basic function: free messaging whenever, wherever on all smartphone devices over 3G/4G or Wi-Fi. Voice and video calls are also free with LINE so you don’t need to wait to hear your loved ones’ sweet voices or see their smiling faces. LINE lets you share your photos and videos and send voice messages, as well as contacts and location information easily with your lover. When you wake up in the morning, your partners’ movements will be shown on your screen. Also, the latest news update on LINE will give you more to talk about when you communicate and special coupons for popular artists and brands will give your more choices for your next date. LINE stickers such as ‘You can be my bunny and I can be your brownie’ are popular, fun and expressive.

3. FaceTime

This was the first free video call app. It is a universally-known, fabulous app in high definition. Now FaceTime for Mac supports video calls up to 720p. FaceTime is an essential Apple communicator that is widely used between Apple devices and enables people to talk, smile and laugh from any part of the world. Whenever your lover tries to reach you, the call rings through on your Mac even if FaceTime isn’t running.

New apple watch on display. Photo credit: Rene Ritchie
New apple watch on display. Photo credit: Rene Ritchie

4. Apple watch

A new product is coming soon. It will be a perfect symbol and elegant gift for a couple. In Apple’s words, “You will express yourself in new, fun and more personal ways. With Apple Watch, every exchange is less about reading words on a screen and more about making a genuine connection.” You may feel your lover’s heart beat with this magic watch. When you press two fingers on the screen, the built-in heart rate sensor records and sends your heartbeat. It’s a simple and intimate way to tell someone how you feel.

About Xihan Huang