Voxpop: Popular musicians in Cardiff
With the traffic trouble Ed Sheeran caused when he came to Wales, what do people think about big name music acts coming to Cardiff?
Foundation aims to empower young girls
The new initiative is hoping to tackle gender inequality and the Welsh pay gap by promoting self-esteem in the younger generation
Welsh wellbeing business combats stress and loneliness
Meet Women's Wellbeing, the South Wales business introducing a brand new course for women this autumn…
Voxpop: YouTube Influencers
In light of the furore over YouTube’s recent global blackout, have we become too dependent on cat videos and vloggers?
Women at the top: voxpop
Does Wales need more women in top jobs? Find out what the people of Cardiff think...
Loyal to the Royals? A Cardiff Voxpop
Is Royal popularity on the decline when the Royals are in the public eye more than ever? A perspective of the Welsh public
Voxpop: Cycling safety in Cardiff
With the announcement of a new revision to the Highway Code, do the people of Cardiff think the city is safe enough for cyclists?