Rules of Play/Chapter Games Night
Chapter Arts Centre
Second Sunday of every month (next event is 13 November)
5.30pm – 10.30pm
Games include Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Fluxx, Pentago, Alhambra, Scrabble, The Climbers, Quirkle, Ingenious, Blokus, Hive and Army of Frogs
Board games night gives new meaning to Sunday boredom
Cardiff’s tight-knit gaming community congregates religiously every Sunday in Canton for a night of board games and beer.
With Chapter, independent games shop Rules of Play recently started a monthly event to introduce the often misunderstood hobby to the wider world.
Shop owner Michelle Davies says, “The event is specifically aimed at people who may not be familiar with board games or who think they are all really geeky. Basically, we take a whole bunch of games along, explain rules, set up games and introduce players.”
Michelle and her colleagues bring over 30 games, including old favourites, ones you never knew existed and even Welsh titles. She adds, “Chapter is a real cultural hub so the events tend to attract a fairly young, trendy crowd.”
Rules of Play/Chapter Games Night
Chapter Arts Centre
Second Sunday of every month (next event is 13 November)
5.30pm – 10.30pm
Games include Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Fluxx, Pentago, Alhambra, Scrabble, The Climbers, Quirkle, Ingenious, Blokus, Hive and Army of Frogs