Top five alternative ways to get fit in the new year
Merby is men’s roller derby, organised by Cardiff Roller Collective. The sport involves two teams of five members racing around a track, each with a jammer who aims to overlap other players, thus scoring points. Introductory sessions will be held on 5 and 12 January at Llanedeyrn High School, Cardiff.
Alt.Cardiff told you all about Burlesque Cardiff back in October but now group leader Foo Foo La Belle will be launching a new set of classes from 9 January. She says, “Burlesque classes are a great way to get fit, feel sexy and boost your confidence.” Beginners are welcome, and it’s definitely alternative.
Rock Climbing
Boulders Indoor Climbing Centre offers alternative adrenaline-pumping exercise. Rock climbing is a fun way of keeping fit whilst enjoying a wide range of wall routes with friends. “It appeals to a diverse range of climbers,” says Matthew Gray, Boulders’s climbing instructor. Located in the Bay, Boulders offers climbers with instruction courses for all levels.
Ultimate Frisbee
Increasingly popular, ultimate Frisbee is not like most sports. It’s played in mixed teams and without a referee. Better still, matches last 90 minutes and it burns more calories than an aerobics class. Cardiff Storm is the registered local team, competing in the open division of the national Ultimate league.
American Line Dancing
Fun and physical, American line dancing is perfect for losing weight. Classes at The Gate are open to all ages and abilities and the new term starts in January. According to instructor John Moore, partners and Stetsons are not required but it’s best to leave the high heels at home.
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The Alt.Cardiff team show how dancing can improve with practice and help keep you fit.
Alt.Cardiff explores alternative ways of getting into shape after Christmas

Lose the weights this Christmas (photo: JP)
Shop shelves are rapidly lining with mince pies and the prospect of seasonal overindulgence is getting ever closer.
But after all that gorging over the Christmas period, how can we get back into shape?
Research has shown that people in Wales do not eat as healthily as those in England, pointing to an increased need for exercise, especially in the new year.
78% of Cardiff women have already attempted to lose a stone in the weeks leading up to Christmas, according to an Atkins survey, and will be looking to lose more after the holiday season.
Alt.Cardiff therefore offers its top five alternative ways to get fit after Christmas, as well as a chance to make some fitness-led new year’s resolutions and stick to them.
Alt.Cardiff tell you why they won’t be joining the gym in January
Top five alternative ways to get fit in the new year
Merby is men’s roller derby, organised by Cardiff Roller Collective. The sport involves two teams of five members racing around a track, each with a jammer who aims to overlap other players, thus scoring points. Introductory sessions will be held on 5 and 12 January at Llanedeyrn High School, Cardiff.
Alt.Cardiff told you all about Burlesque Cardiff back in October but now group leader Foo Foo La Belle will be launching a new set of classes from 9 January. She says, “Burlesque classes are a great way to get fit, feel sexy and boost your confidence.” Beginners are welcome, and it’s definitely alternative.
Rock Climbing
Boulders Indoor Climbing Centre offers alternative adrenaline-pumping exercise. Rock climbing is a fun way of keeping fit whilst enjoying a wide range of wall routes with friends. “It appeals to a diverse range of climbers,” says Matthew Gray, Boulders’s climbing instructor. Located in the Bay, Boulders offers climbers with instruction courses for all levels.
Ultimate Frisbee
Increasingly popular, ultimate Frisbee is not like most sports. It’s played in mixed teams and without a referee. Better still, matches last 90 minutes and it burns more calories than an aerobics class. Cardiff Storm is the registered local team, competing in the open division of the national Ultimate league.
American Line Dancing
Fun and physical, American line dancing is perfect for losing weight. Classes at The Gate are open to all ages and abilities and the new term starts in January. According to instructor John Moore, partners and Stetsons are not required but it’s best to leave the high heels at home.
[youtube width=”236″ height=”200″][/youtube]
The Alt.Cardiff team show how dancing can improve with practice and help keep you fit.