Here’s a look at Roller Derby and what the game’s all about in the UK and America…
To learn more about Roller Derby and the new Newport team visit their website
If you’d like to try something different then the Ravens are putting on some taster sessions in the New Year, to keep posted follow their twitter account
Fellas, if you fancy giving it a try take a look at The South Wales Silures local mens derby team
The Riot City Ravens has been running for just over a month and was set up by 19 members who believed Newport would benefit from a roller derby team.
The voluntary club was founded in July of this year and named in honour of the Chartists who rioted in Newport in 1839.
The team is made up of 23 members and continues to grow having had a high interest rate due to its offbeat nature.
Head coach of the club, Alex Miller said, “People in Newport seem really interested in what we’re doing and we’ve had a lot of support from the community, Newport Council, local businesses and other Roller Derby clubs.”

Women who were formerly part of a Cardiff team started the Riot City Ravens
And they couldn’t have chosen a better year to create a team, as 2015 will be the first year of the British Championships for Roller Derby.
To get the ball rolling their first match is on 14 December against the Wrexham Rebjects.
Here’s a look at Roller Derby and what the game’s all about in the UK and America…
To learn more about Roller Derby and the new Newport team visit their website
If you’d like to try something different then the Ravens are putting on some taster sessions in the New Year, to keep posted follow their twitter account
Fellas, if you fancy giving it a try take a look at The South Wales Silures local mens derby team