Rules of Treibballing
1. The ball must stay within the boundaries of the playing area on the field.
2. Eight balls are placed in a triangle – four in the first row, three in the second, one in the third.
3. Dog and handler have 15 minutes to get the balls into the goal, which is just like a normal football goal.
4. The timer starts when the handler signals for the dog to start herding the balls and stops when all the balls are in the goal and the dog has returned to the handler.
5. The handler may not move the balls themselves and must stay a certain distance away from the goal. They must not force the dog to perform.
6. The dog cannot bite or break any of the balls.
7. The fastest team wins!
Welsh dogs need more exercise
A recent study has shown that almost one quarter of the dogs and cats in Wales are overweight, but not according to their owners, who appear to be unaware of the unhealthy side effects of animal obesity.
The four major health concerns caused by obesity in cats and dogs are bladder issues, diabetes, heart conditions and arthritis. It also reduces their life expectancy and makes them less likely to be able to undergo surgery if it was needed.
Activities like treibballing help dogs to lose weight and remain more youthful and agile.
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Caroline Cowan
Caroline Cowan is well respected in Cardiff as one of the only fully qualified dog behaviourists and has appeared in The South Wales Echo, ITV and ITV Wales giving expert advice on dog care. Contact her here:
07817 314142
Cardiff Canine Citizens have introduced classes in the latest craze of dog sport, treibballing, which has been well received by dog owners.
Treibballing is a low impact combination of herding and football techniques and is suitable for both young and old dogs. Treibballing keeps the dog fit and healthy as well as strengthening the bond between dog and owner, as they work together to score goals in the quickest time possible.

Dogs enjoy being active both mentally and physically while playing with a ball. Picture credit: Cardiff Canine Citizens
Caroline Cowan, 44, is the founder of Cardiff Canine Citizens which has been running for 15 years.
“I have already had lots of interest in the classes, which will officially start after Christmas,” said Caroline, “I think it is really important for dogs to be given appropriate exercise and mental stimulation for their well-being.”
Rules of Treibballing
1. The ball must stay within the boundaries of the playing area on the field.
2. Eight balls are placed in a triangle – four in the first row, three in the second, one in the third.
3. Dog and handler have 15 minutes to get the balls into the goal, which is just like a normal football goal.
4. The timer starts when the handler signals for the dog to start herding the balls and stops when all the balls are in the goal and the dog has returned to the handler.
5. The handler may not move the balls themselves and must stay a certain distance away from the goal. They must not force the dog to perform.
6. The dog cannot bite or break any of the balls.
7. The fastest team wins!
Welsh dogs need more exercise
A recent study has shown that almost one quarter of the dogs and cats in Wales are overweight, but not according to their owners, who appear to be unaware of the unhealthy side effects of animal obesity.
The four major health concerns caused by obesity in cats and dogs are bladder issues, diabetes, heart conditions and arthritis. It also reduces their life expectancy and makes them less likely to be able to undergo surgery if it was needed.
Activities like treibballing help dogs to lose weight and remain more youthful and agile.
Read more here
Caroline Cowan
Caroline Cowan is well respected in Cardiff as one of the only fully qualified dog behaviourists and has appeared in The South Wales Echo, ITV and ITV Wales giving expert advice on dog care. Contact her here:
07817 314142