Attendees practicing gratitude and listening exercises along the riverside
Why is it important to focus on mental health in the workplace?
Mental health cost the UK economy almost £35bn in recent years
- £10bn of this estimate was spent on sickness absence
- £21.2bn is spent due to reduced productivity at work (‘presenteeism’)
- £3.1bn is spent on replacing those who leave work due to mental health
Fresh Air Fridays is an emotional and mental wellbeing company, founded in 2015 in South Wales on the foundations of learning what it takes to look after our wellbeing, whilst also being in nature.. Supported by a community of facilitators, the business offers advice and support on dealing with individuals’ mental health through a variety of outdoor sessions, any day of the week.
Leah Sian Davies, facilitator for Fresh Air Fridays, said, “Often we see people just as their roles, what they do in work, but when we have conversations, especially when we’re outside, we just see people as human.”
The company runs programmes that range from half-day workshops to 12-week programmes. They have now begun in-house facilitator trainings that enable people to continue the programmes themselves, in the workplace.
What to do on your wellness walk:
This exercise helps us to access our relaxation system. Often when we are stressed and rushing around, our breathing stemming from our chest area can become very shallow and we are not breathing deeply down into our diaphragm. This is a great tool that is very simple.
If you’re struggling to breathe, don’t worry as this is something many people take time practising. You may want to practice at an inhale of five seconds and exhale of eight seconds. As long as that out-breath is longer than the in-breath then you will get the benefit of the exercise.
Practising gratitude on a daily basis can be very beneficial for our mood, to alter our perspective on life and work, and to also make us feel more positive about what is going on around us. It’s not about ignoring the bad stuff but it’s about opening our minds to what is going on, and to reality, rather than focusing on the negative.
Find out more about Chwarae Teg and Fresh Air Fridays on their websites.
Wellness organisations are “Taking you outside so you feel good on the inside” to help businesses address and improve the mental health of their workers

Chwarae Teg, a company supporting women in business, and Fresh Air Fridays, an emotional and mental wellbeing company, joined forces on 29 November to host Fresh Air for Business.
The event brought together employers from across Wales to share knowledge, suggestions and networks that will help those who are dealing with mental and emotional distress at work.
At SWALEC Stadium in Sophia Gardens, event coordinators took attendees on an hour-long wellness walk around Bute Park, allowing them to switch off from the outside world and tune into themselves.
Partner up and listen to the other. Ask what they enjoy, what makes them feel happy, and don’t interrupt. The most common answer is usually “I’d like to make the time for…”. Leah’s tip is simple: Don’t cancel on yourself, learn to prioritise your own time. #CTHive pic.twitter.com/BYvGQFkKtB
— alt cardiff (@alt_cardiff) November 29, 2019
Fresh Air Fridays’ Leah Sian Davies conducted the walk, she said, “Often we are so busy and caught up in work, that we are not always aware of our mood. Sometimes stress and emotions can build up over time and that is why people end up suffering from anxiety or depression.”
One in four people in the UK suffer from mental health issues, costing the UK economy almost £35bn in recent years. 45% of younger people are also more likely to hold back from talking about their feelings in working environments.
“We all have different ways of dealing with stress to improve our mood. For me, being outside in the day with the fresh air and just getting away from a screen helps me to not be so focused on work constantly,” Leah continued.
A recent study by Medical News Today states managers with access to mental health training in their business have a higher understanding of mental health. With this knowledge they can better improve and maintain the mental state of those they manage.

Speaking to attendee David Saunders, the director and physiotherapist of AgileTherapy, a multidisciplinary healthcare company in Cardiff, he said, “I came here today aiming to collaborate with the organisers. We are pushing to make the health of employees better by teaming up with other individuals outside of the healthcare realm.”
He added, “As mental health is the leading cause of absenteeism and sickness at work, we are trying to improve each individual’s health and wellbeing as much as we can.”
Words by Gina Cartwright, Ceryn Evans, Elissa About Merhi and Amy Fretwell

Attendees practicing gratitude and listening exercises along the riverside
Why is it important to focus on mental health in the workplace?
Mental health cost the UK economy almost £35bn in recent years
- £10bn of this estimate was spent on sickness absence
- £21.2bn is spent due to reduced productivity at work (‘presenteeism’)
- £3.1bn is spent on replacing those who leave work due to mental health
Fresh Air Fridays is an emotional and mental wellbeing company, founded in 2015 in South Wales on the foundations of learning what it takes to look after our wellbeing, whilst also being in nature.. Supported by a community of facilitators, the business offers advice and support on dealing with individuals’ mental health through a variety of outdoor sessions, any day of the week.
Leah Sian Davies, facilitator for Fresh Air Fridays, said, “Often we see people just as their roles, what they do in work, but when we have conversations, especially when we’re outside, we just see people as human.”
The company runs programmes that range from half-day workshops to 12-week programmes. They have now begun in-house facilitator trainings that enable people to continue the programmes themselves, in the workplace.
What to do on your wellness walk:
This exercise helps us to access our relaxation system. Often when we are stressed and rushing around, our breathing stemming from our chest area can become very shallow and we are not breathing deeply down into our diaphragm. This is a great tool that is very simple.
If you’re struggling to breathe, don’t worry as this is something many people take time practising. You may want to practice at an inhale of five seconds and exhale of eight seconds. As long as that out-breath is longer than the in-breath then you will get the benefit of the exercise.
Practising gratitude on a daily basis can be very beneficial for our mood, to alter our perspective on life and work, and to also make us feel more positive about what is going on around us. It’s not about ignoring the bad stuff but it’s about opening our minds to what is going on, and to reality, rather than focusing on the negative.
Find out more about Chwarae Teg and Fresh Air Fridays on their websites.