The party
Cardiff’s Movember gala will be held at The Moon Club. The event will be held on Thursday 28 November. It starts at 7pm and runs until 2am.
Movember Origins
Movember is a month long charity event that involves men around the world growing a moustache to raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health.
Movember started in 2003 with a few friends in a pub in Melbourne, Australia. Their aim was to promote the growth of the moustache, while having fun along the way. They hoped that this method would raise awareness of men’s health.
Since it began over £300 million has been raised, funding over 577 men’s health programmes worldwide.

The Moon Club, in Womanby St, will hosting the Movember gala party on 28 November (photo credit: Adelaide Newton)
To celebrate the end of a hairy month, The Moon Club will be hosting Cardiff’s Movember gala party. This gives you the chance to dance the night away until 2am, accompanied by your well grown hairy upper lip.
As well as music, there will also be a fancy dress competition. The categories include Mo Bro & Mo Sista and Best Mo in Character.
“Each year, before the thousands of Mo’s are shaved off Movember invites Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to celebrate their efforts with a party in true Movember style,” said Movember’s PR manager, Aletheia Hunn.
Tickets can be purchased with the money raised over the month – £80 for one, or £120 for two – or you can pay £5 per ticket.
The party
Cardiff’s Movember gala will be held at The Moon Club. The event will be held on Thursday 28 November. It starts at 7pm and runs until 2am.
Movember Origins
Movember is a month long charity event that involves men around the world growing a moustache to raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health.
Movember started in 2003 with a few friends in a pub in Melbourne, Australia. Their aim was to promote the growth of the moustache, while having fun along the way. They hoped that this method would raise awareness of men’s health.
Since it began over £300 million has been raised, funding over 577 men’s health programmes worldwide.