Behind the scenes
TactileBOSCH is an artist led collective that runs the Under the Counter Culture event among others. It was started in 2001 by local artists Kim Fielding and Simon Mitchell.
Kim passed away in 2014 and the event continues to run in his honour. He lived in the lower East Side of New York in the 1980s and brought the aesthetic of life back to Cardiff when he returned in the late 1990s.
He loved basements and abandoned spaces and this is part of the reason why tactileBOSCH’s events are run in such eclectic locations.
You can follow the collective on Facebook to join in with their upcoming events.
This art was inspired by Kim Fielding and is displayed in it’s own room to honour his memory
The artists in residence
Amelia Unity
Amelia Unity is a Cardiff based graffiti artist inspired by hip-hop. Her style is described on her website as in search of a male-female balance. It mixes graffiti-style words mixed with feminine faces and natural forms. You can find Amelia on Facebook and Twitter.
Rebecca Hammett
Rebecca Hammett is a multidisciplinary artist based in Newport. Her work includes installations and sculptures, more traditional paintings and drawings, combined with video art and visual performance. You can find Rebecca on Facebook and Instagram.
Mr and Mrs Clark
Mr and Mrs Clark run an ongoing event called ‘Express Yourself’ and are based in Newport. They specialise in performance art theatre and their work creatively engages with what is going on in the world. You can find Mr and Mrs Clark on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Alan Streets
Alan Streets is an English artist who moved to New York in 1989 to immersive himself in the culture. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1992 and has since been hospitalised three times. He returned to London in 2010 and spent time living on the streets which is how he got his name. You can find Alan on Facebook and Instagram.
Sara Christova
Sara is an illustration artist that studied at Cardiff School of Art and Design. She works with local musicians to create cover art and posters and has worked to organise exhibitions and music events such as Truefest. You can find Sara on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Andrew Cooper
Andrew studied at Cardiff College of Art and Design as well as at the Royal College of Art in London. He is one of the tactileBOSCH artists and has also done work for British Rail and British Gas. His work explores the connection between art, space and the viewer.
Jennifer Taylor
Jennifer was born in Pembrokeshire and lives in Cardiff. She specialises in performance art and many videos of her live performances can be found on her website. She has an MA in sculpture from the Royal College of Art and a first-class BA Honours in fine art from the University of Oxford. You can find Jennifer on Facebook.
James Green
James grew up in the Rhondda Valleys and uses this scenery as an inspiration to his work. He studied at Cardiff School of Art and Design as well as the Royal College of Art. James’s work is a mix of painting, collage, sculpture and comics. You can find James on Instagram.

The one-off event is part of a larger scheme run by collective tactileBOSCH to make art more engaging and accessible to the general public
Hidden inside the Old Vicarage on Cathedral Road, Cardiff is an immersive art installation celebrating the connection between art and night culture. Under the Counter Culture aims to break down inhibitions and preconceived ideas to create a space for expression and play through their art.

Helene Roberts, 39 from Swansea is the manager of the event, run by a collective called tactileBOSCH. She describes the event as “a night of immersive installation, live performance, spontaneous interventions, participatory art and conceptual audio-visual work.”

There are a wide variety of artistic styles exhibited at Under the Counter Culture and this is because inclusivity is important to Helene. “A lot of contemplation art can be seen as dry and exclusive” she says, “this is more entertaining, it allows people to take part, let their hair down, play and engage with the art in a different sort of way.”

The artists come from locally as well as abroad and are sourced through a public callout, inviting them to respond to a specific theme. TactileBOSCH feels passionately about supporting young artists and will mentor them to adapt their work to suit the theme of the event. They try to support Welsh artists and have residents in from Newport and Cardiff as well as Berlin.

The event is non-profit to fit in with their ethos of participation and inclusivity. Helene says she does not feel comfortable charging for art, and the event has only been ticketed once as a necessity to rent the space.

The event is a one-off but the collective has been running events since 2001 and tend to do one big event in Cardiff per year and a few smaller residencies abroad. The events change concepts as the sites move, often taking place in abandoned buildings. Helene says that this is because they like to challenge the way art is traditionally shown.

She says “The art is constantly moving, changing and engaging with the space in different ways for the whole process. The building comes to life with performances in it.”
Behind the scenes
TactileBOSCH is an artist led collective that runs the Under the Counter Culture event among others. It was started in 2001 by local artists Kim Fielding and Simon Mitchell.
Kim passed away in 2014 and the event continues to run in his honour. He lived in the lower East Side of New York in the 1980s and brought the aesthetic of life back to Cardiff when he returned in the late 1990s.
He loved basements and abandoned spaces and this is part of the reason why tactileBOSCH’s events are run in such eclectic locations.
You can follow the collective on Facebook to join in with their upcoming events.
This art was inspired by Kim Fielding and is displayed in it’s own room to honour his memory
The artists in residence
Amelia Unity
Amelia Unity is a Cardiff based graffiti artist inspired by hip-hop. Her style is described on her website as in search of a male-female balance. It mixes graffiti-style words mixed with feminine faces and natural forms. You can find Amelia on Facebook and Twitter.
Rebecca Hammett
Rebecca Hammett is a multidisciplinary artist based in Newport. Her work includes installations and sculptures, more traditional paintings and drawings, combined with video art and visual performance. You can find Rebecca on Facebook and Instagram.
Mr and Mrs Clark
Mr and Mrs Clark run an ongoing event called ‘Express Yourself’ and are based in Newport. They specialise in performance art theatre and their work creatively engages with what is going on in the world. You can find Mr and Mrs Clark on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Alan Streets
Alan Streets is an English artist who moved to New York in 1989 to immersive himself in the culture. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1992 and has since been hospitalised three times. He returned to London in 2010 and spent time living on the streets which is how he got his name. You can find Alan on Facebook and Instagram.
Sara Christova
Sara is an illustration artist that studied at Cardiff School of Art and Design. She works with local musicians to create cover art and posters and has worked to organise exhibitions and music events such as Truefest. You can find Sara on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Andrew Cooper
Andrew studied at Cardiff College of Art and Design as well as at the Royal College of Art in London. He is one of the tactileBOSCH artists and has also done work for British Rail and British Gas. His work explores the connection between art, space and the viewer.
Jennifer Taylor
Jennifer was born in Pembrokeshire and lives in Cardiff. She specialises in performance art and many videos of her live performances can be found on her website. She has an MA in sculpture from the Royal College of Art and a first-class BA Honours in fine art from the University of Oxford. You can find Jennifer on Facebook.
James Green
James grew up in the Rhondda Valleys and uses this scenery as an inspiration to his work. He studied at Cardiff School of Art and Design as well as the Royal College of Art. James’s work is a mix of painting, collage, sculpture and comics. You can find James on Instagram.