Cardiff foodbank was launched in 2009 as a franchise of the Trussell Trust, and is part of the National Foodbank Network.
The foodbank’s statistics for 2013-2014 are already showing a 40% increase in the number of people fed in comparison with 2012-2013. In December 2012, a record number of 599 people were fed by the Cardiff foodbank. This year May (635), July (738), and October (790) have all made new records in terms of the number of people fed.
The foodbank has just come to the end of the Harvest festival period which is a busy time for the organisation. This year, the team saw a huge increase in the amount of food donated, with harvest donations totalling a record haul of nearly 16 tons.
The food collection at Tesco stores is part of nationwide event organised by the Trussell Trust and all food donated will be distributed within Cardiff to people in need over the Christmas period. To volunteer please contact Ian or Simon on 029 2048 4120 or email

Only 12 more volunteers are needed to reach the foodbank’s target of 140 participants and make the supermarket food collection a success.
Image ©Patrick Olner.
Cardiff foodbank has received generous support from the local community in the run up to its biggest food collection yet.
More than 100 people have responded to the foodbank’s appeal for volunteers to participate in the event, which will take place from Friday 29 November to Sunday 1 December.
Volunteers will be collecting food donations on all three days at Western Avenue, Culverhouse Cross and St Mellons Tesco stores.
Simon Brown, volunteer co-ordinator at Cardiff foodbank, said: “We’ve seen a huge increase recently in the number of people who have stepped up to help us and it is a similar story for this collection.
“As we go into Christmas we are just really blessed to have such a good supply of volunteers.”
Cardiff foodbank was launched in 2009 as a franchise of the Trussell Trust, and is part of the National Foodbank Network.
The foodbank’s statistics for 2013-2014 are already showing a 40% increase in the number of people fed in comparison with 2012-2013. In December 2012, a record number of 599 people were fed by the Cardiff foodbank. This year May (635), July (738), and October (790) have all made new records in terms of the number of people fed.
The foodbank has just come to the end of the Harvest festival period which is a busy time for the organisation. This year, the team saw a huge increase in the amount of food donated, with harvest donations totalling a record haul of nearly 16 tons.
The food collection at Tesco stores is part of nationwide event organised by the Trussell Trust and all food donated will be distributed within Cardiff to people in need over the Christmas period. To volunteer please contact Ian or Simon on 029 2048 4120 or email