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Make a badger buffet
Step 1: Locate a place in your garden where you will easily see a badger if one comes sniffing
Step 2: Hide food under some stones or bricks so other smaller animals will not be able to get at it
Step 3: Have patience: badgers are elusive animals and may not notice there is food in your garden for several weeks
Soft fruits
Bread (which can be soaked in water or spread with peanut butter)
NB: Cakes, honey and jam are also loved by badgers, but can cause tooth decay, so should only be given as an occasional treat and then in very small quantities. Milk or meat scraps should not be fed to badgers.
Source: Badger Trust – http://www.badger.org.uk/_Attachments/Resources/55_S4.pdf
Thousands of badgers are being culled to reduce bovine tuberculosis (bTB), but in the bright lights of British cities these nocturnal animals are afforded an unlikely refuge.
Anti-cull opinion is supported no more ardently than by the Wildlife Trust (tagline: “badgers are important”), their president Simon King and Sir David Attenborough.
Now, ‘urbanites’ – urban anti-cull activists – are getting behind them by protecting sets, habitats and welcoming badgers into their urban community.
“Habitat awareness and site security must be most important”, says BBC Two Springwatch presenter Kate Macrae, who lives in a semi-urban area in Staffordshire.
Jane Adams, an urban naturalist, says: “We need to learn how to adapt to life with them, just as they have had to adapt to a life surrounded by us”.
Want to get involved?
Find your local Cardiff Wildlife Trust: click here
Make a badger buffet
Step 1: Locate a place in your garden where you will easily see a badger if one comes sniffing
Step 2: Hide food under some stones or bricks so other smaller animals will not be able to get at it
Step 3: Have patience: badgers are elusive animals and may not notice there is food in your garden for several weeks
Soft fruits
Bread (which can be soaked in water or spread with peanut butter)
NB: Cakes, honey and jam are also loved by badgers, but can cause tooth decay, so should only be given as an occasional treat and then in very small quantities. Milk or meat scraps should not be fed to badgers.
Source: Badger Trust – http://www.badger.org.uk/_Attachments/Resources/55_S4.pdf