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Big Daddy Mag’s top apps for new dads

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Here’s a few recommendations to get you through those early months

It’s no secret that the our generation can be fairly dependent on technology. We don’t talk to each other as much and we don’t do as many things for ourselves anymore. However, technology can be a lifesaver for those without a lot of time on their hands and this especially applies to new parents. Having a child for the first time means less sleep and less time for yourself so relying on technology isn’t so much of a bad thing. With that in mind, here are some of Big Daddy’s top apps for new dads.

Baby Shusher 

Cost: £4.99/£3.00 (available on the App Store and Google Play)

Tried everything humanly possible to get your baby to stop crying and go to sleep? Then try out Baby Shusher. Apparently the womb isn’t as silent as you’d think and babies aren’t actually too keen on total silence. Baby Shusher mimics the sounds of the womb by producing a rhythmic ‘shh’ sound that’ll remind the little tot of the good old days.

Nest Egg Estimator 

Cost: £0.85 (available on Google Play)

Having a baby means you’ll be spending a lot more money and it’s hard to plan out your expenses when you have a newborn because of their unpredictable nature. Nest Egg Estimator makes that a little bit easier by logging your finances for future use, showing you your income, expenses and the results of saving. It’s perfect for family planning and saving for if your child wants to go to university someday.

Web MD 

Cost: Free (available on the App Store and Google Play)

It’s a scary time when your newborn has a cough. It may be just a cough, or it may be the sign that the baby is getting the flu. The last thing any new parent wants is to be panicking because they don’t know what to do and may not have time to go to a doctor immediately. Web MD helps to stop this from happening by providing medical information after you’ve entered the baby’s symptoms, or even your own symptoms. So hopefully the little cough turns out to be nothing and you can put your mind at ease.


Cost: Free (available on the App Store and Google Play)

Have you ever just wanted to take a nap while baby is sleeping instead of doing some of the household chores like washing your clothes? Well you can at least tick this off your list with Zipjet. Zipjet is a laundry delivery service which picks up, washes and drops off your laundry so you don’t have to worry about it.


Cost: Free (available on the App Store and Google Play)

Not every dad is the best handy-man and not everyone has the basics like screwdrivers down. Bizzby is the app for those dads. It would be typical for a DIY disaster to happen in the early weeks of bringing your baby home and if you have no idea what to do then Bizzby allows you to call a professional in to do the work for you so you can just lie back and maybe watch what the man is doing so you can learn a thing or two.

Daddy Up 

Cost: Free (available on the App Store and Google Play)

It’s hard to know what to do when your partner is pregnant but you feel that you have to do something to make it easier on her. Daddy Up is an app that acts as a guide to pregnancy for fathers. The app includes weekly information about pregnancy, weekly baby-size comparisons, a daddy checklist, a contraction counter and much more. If you want to be the perfect baby daddy, then this app may help!