Sexism in Politics – and beyond
The sexism faced by GE 17 election candidate, Emily Owen is sadly too commonplace in the media and society in general.
Read moreThe sexism faced by GE 17 election candidate, Emily Owen is sadly too commonplace in the media and society in general.
Read moreJeremy Corbyn has never had an easy ride from the so called ‘mainstream media’. Is he a victim of circumstance or architect of his own misfortune?
Read moreWith a General Election TV debate confirmed for May 18th. John Jewell takes a look at the history of the format.
Read moreIn the first of a new series Dr Stephen Cushion examines which parties will dominate General Election coverage and who sets the news the agenda.
Read moreResponsible journalism is under pressure. The old business models are failing and as yet there is no clear new business model for serious news. Trusted information is the currency of healthy democracies – but today that currency is debased, and we are all paying the price.
Read moreThere is no doubt that what Greenwald describes as the easy prevalence of anti-Russian stereotyping and paranoia is a groove into which we in the West can easily slip.
Read moreInformation is the currency of our world. Business, politics, social discourse, international relations and more rest on the assumption of shared, accurate information. But we learned in 2016 how that currency is being debased in an alarming number of ways.
Read moreEarlier this week the US astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson posted the following tweet: 2 + 2 = 4 #1984
Read moreIt was Oscar Wilde who once wrote that ‘life imitates art far more than art imitates life’. He claimed that ‘Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art.’
Read more2016 was the year that news seemed to collapse into Hunter S Thompson’s dystopian vision of television as a “cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs”.
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