Wednesday Wrap
Here’s our occasionally regular wrap of the best of the web from the past seven days for those of you interested in Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies.
The Riptide project from Harvard’s Nieman Foundation aims to be an oral history of the epic collision between journalism and digital technology from 1980 to the present. Huge quantities of video interviews and analysis for anyone wanting to trace the origins of digital journalism and the changes that have taken place.
Whatever happened to the Leveson report and newspaper regulation? The Guardian reports that the newspaper industry is pressing ahead with plans to launch a new watchdog and hopes to have it up and running early in 2014 despite reservations from some titles (including The Guardian and the FT).
The Media Briefing has been running a series on how people consume their media. This week the elusive Under 35s.
Intriguingly, Iran’s government ministers have all been signing up to Facebook – in spite of the site being banned there. Presumably they’d simply argue “it’s complicated.”
The Columbia Journalism Review rightly argues that free speech is for everyone and the press should stop arguing for special privileges.
Finally, Michael Billig at Prospect offers thoughts on why academics can’t write with special reference to social sciences. Not a problem we have here at JOMEC, obviously..
And that’s a wrap for this week.