Mental illness affects nearly 8,000 NHS workers in Wales

24 February 2017

Mental illness is the biggest reason for staff missing work in the NHS in Wales.

That’s according to a freedom of information request by the Welsh Conservatives.

According to the figures obtained from the seven NHS Boards in Wales staff,  staff at Cardiff and the Vale have missed the highest number of working days in Wales as a result of mental health issues.

NHS graphic


The Shadow Health Minister, Angela Burns AM, says, “To our horror, we found it was mental health reasons that were coming out top as the reason why people were taking long and short term absences from work. The work is very tiring, very taxing, and very physically demanding. There’s a huge amount of pressure. The results point to a lack of support to help staff through these crises.”

Cardiff and Vale Action for Mental Health says mental health problems affect one in four adults in the UK. It says mental illness can affect people in any career.

A Welsh Government spokesperson says, “NHS Wales is taking action to support staff and reduce sickness rates. This includes promoting the health and well-being of staff and providing staff with practical support to remain in work, or to return to work following an illness.”



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