Mystery £10 notes being hidden around Cardiff

31 January 2017

Ten pound notes will be hidden across Cardiff on Thursday by a film maker who wants people to do more good deeds.

They come in a plastic wallet with a letter which explains the money must be spent on somebody else.

Matt Callanan is a film-maker who lives in Roath. He came up with the idea after meeting his idol, actor Bill Murray while filming at George Clooney’s house in Oxfordshire.

Mr Callanan won £20 from a scratch card the same day and decided – as he’d had a lucky streak – he would spend it doing something nice for someone else. He saw a man selling The Big Issue and went to the shop with him, buying food and essential items.

Mr Callanan said “he gave me a massive hug, he looked really happy and then I felt really happy.”

He says this inspired him to set himself a challenge to do 100 good deeds.

After his wife told him 100 was too easy, he increased this number to 403 – a figure taken from the film Groundhog Day where Bill Murray repeats the same day 12,403 times.

Mr Callanan has sent ten £10 notes to people in Cardiff but twenty more will be hidden around Cardiff on Thursday.

Clues to their location will be posted on social media.

He says, “It isn’t about me hiding ten pound notes around the place.

“It’s getting people to think what they could do with ten pound notes, because I think everyone’s got ten pounds to spare in their wallet.”

Mr Callanan is encouraging people to use the hashtag #Tenner4Good so he can see how people have used them.

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