Martha Beck takes us on an exciting journey to rediscover our true nature
There is a magical, unexplored world behind writers’ stories and ideas. In their books, they take you on an exciting journey full of surprises where you could discover yourself and find your true purpose in life. Reading self-growth books is so essential in our century because we need constantly to work on our personal development and develop ourselves spiritually, mentally and emotionally. The most beautiful moment is when you find that one book that gives you the key answers to living a more fulfilled and happier life.
That is what happened when I discovered Martha Beck’s book Finding Your Way in a Wild New World.
Martha describes the powerful tools of Wordlessness, Oneness, Imagination, and Forming which basically help us “peel away the layers” of our own identity and unleash our creative side. She is a wonderful writer who shares her own concepts in such a unique way that brings you back to the importance of your own roots and origin. We are a source of unlimited power and we have the ability to connect to every other living creature in this world. The connection we have with the rest of the world could be the answer to finding our true passion and what we are meant to do with the natural gifts we have been given.
Here are five key lessons I learned from the book:
1. Connect to yourself
One of the key messages in the book is to reinforce the relationship we have with ourselves. Everything we are looking for in this world sits deep within us. We are the biggest source of abundance, love, passion and happiness. The way to discover our true nature is to constantly learn, open our heart, listen to it and follow our inner calling.
Martha calls us ‘wayfinders’, which basically refers to people who are on a particular journey throughout life and are looking to discover their mission in this world. Each one of us has a particular vocation, and when we find that one thing that brings us joy and happiness, then we are truly ready to influence the world with our gifts.
When you drop into Wordlessness, you should try to stop the negative thoughts in your head, connect to other people and feel the wind in your hair, the smell of the freshly cut grass and listen to the wildlife out there. Once you have become one with everything else, then you can start imagining the goals you have for yourself and start forming them step by step by having faith and taking action every day.
2. Connect with the rest of the world
We should not forget that we are more than a physical body and what we have inside can only be discovered when we open ourselves to the outside world. We are one with everything else. Our universe has been created by pure energy and we all have that creative energy within us. Our thoughts and our vibrational energy can affect other people and we can influence either positively or negatively the world around us. This is why it’s important to become conscious of your mind and what kind of vibes and thoughts you are sending to the person next you.
The most unique thing is that each one of us has a different path and on the way of finding ourselves we attract other ‘wayfinders’. The best way to fulfill our true potential is to start connecting with more people who are on the same mindset as ours and are aware of their goals in life.
3. Become aware
By dropping into wordlessness, you will start seeing the world around you in a completely new way. Becoming aware is like rediscovering yourself completely and having a powerful shift in the way you see, feel, smell and hear things around you. Often, we are so cluttered with our own thoughts and problems that we forget the beauty of life around us.
Find that spot in a natural forest or a park where you can nicely drop into a deep state of meditation. Feel your breath and feel how it gives life to every organ in your body. Become aware of what happens around you – the birds that sing, the sound coming from the fountain or the running river, the colours of the nature and the way the sun dances with the leaves of the trees.

Find that spot where you can truly be present with your surroundings
4. Imagine
Using your own imagination is the best way to achieve everything you have set for yourself. Your mind is a powerful and creative tool to solve problems, find that concept for your project, unleash your potential and fulfill your ideas.
Use your imagination in a playful way in order to find the answers you are looking for. Create a life that nourishes your soul and makes you jump out of bed every morning. When you find that one thing, you will know it and it will change your life completely.
5. Take action
The last step that Martha introduces us is the tool of Forming. Once you have imagined the life for yourself, then it is the moment you actually start doing something about it. You cannot just wait for things to happen, you need to make them happen. By taking physical actions to what you have already imagined, you can bring new opportunities and people into your life that will help you get closer to your goals. Martha also says that we need to stay in a state of curiosity, without forcing ourselves and the external events, but simply by putting the hard work out there and waiting for the seeds to grow. In that way, you will be able to create your own life in a much more rewarding and powerful way where your imagination turns into reality.