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Using your mobile phone for good

Phones aren’t all bad, here are some useful ways to use them

Do you feel like you waste too much time on your phone? And are you horrified by your screen time reports? You are not alone. On average we look at our phones 28 times a day. Although that seems like a very high statistic, our phones have become a vital part of modern life and sometimes we need to use them. Our phones can help make our lives easier, help us access work emails on the commute, using news apps to keep up to date, order food to the door. We may be obsessed but when you need to use your phone it can be hard to differentiate between useful phone use and pointless scrolling.

Iphone functions such as ‘downtime’ allow us to see how long we spend looking at our phone screens in a day

Here are some ways to use your phone for good:

Follow some feelgood accounts

Essentially unfollow the people who make you feel sh*t, follow some feel-good accounts, comedians, meme pages, dogspotting, make your time on social media enjoyable. Because it’s meant to be fun.

Watch your screen time

Even when having a great time on social media, it’s good to put your phone down sometimes, take a break, have some in-person interaction and be productive. Someone’s got to do those dishes. So remember to limit your time and don’t look at your phone after 10pm, your phone should not be a hurdle in your romantic relationships.

Keep in touch

Use messenger, whatsapp, Skype and facetime to connect with old friends, new friends, and friends who live abroad. Tag your friends in something to brighten their day.

Learn a new skill

Whether it’s learning a foreign language, mindfulness, sign language, apps can be a great way to improve your skill set.

Download helpful apps

Track your finances on the go, look at your step count, record your calories, buy train tickets, order food, you name it you can do it. Apps are a quick and efficient way of getting through modern life.

Keep up to date

Use your phone to read current news stories on the go. With the help of BBC news app text alerts find out instantly. Be news savvy.

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