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5 tips to help your baby sleep through the night

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Lack of sleep is a major source of stress for new parents, but does it have to be?

Here’s five tips to make sure you both sleep through the night

1. Keep a bedtime routine

The best way to convince your baby that it’s time to go to sleep is to keep the same bedtime routine. Run a warm bath, put them in their pyjamas and sing them a lullaby. Make sure to do this each night so that your baby understands that it’s time to settle down and sleep.

2. Don’t be afraid to make a little noise

It might be tempting to tiptoe around the house but you don’t have to go to extremes for a peaceful night. Babies sleep better with a little familiar noise in the background. They heard you moving around while in the womb, so they’ll find it comforting. Maybe put the drum kit away though.

3. Invest in a night light

You may think night lights are mostly used for older children who are scared of the dark but babies can benefit too. Babies sleep better with a small amount of light as a small night light near their crib will make them feel safer than a pitch black room.

4. No toys

For a peaceful night you want to make sure your baby isn’t kept awake by distractions. A small teddy for company can be helpful to help the little one get used to being away from you, but don’t fill the crib with toys that’ll keep them up playing all night.

5. Keep calm!

It’s understandable to get a little frustrated with a baby that just won’t get to sleep but you might be making matters worse. Children will pick up on the emotions of their parents, if you get angry you’ll only make them more uncomfortable. Take a deep breath and speak in soothing tones.

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