Here’s an insight into the Australian wanderer’s European travels in their van named Sully
Bridget Delaney, 27, is a massage therapist/ waitress and grew up in Australia. With her European VISA expiring in six months, she decided to hitch a van with her long-term partner Ollie to travel around Europe’s most beautiful sights. They’re both currently using the rainy weather of Southampton to cosy up in their van and get some admin done before they embark on their “big ol’ haul” to Scotland.

Bridget and Ollie had to design their van with their mountain bike storage in mind
Why did you choose your van?
“We chose a Ford Transit – medium high top, medium wheel base – called Sully. Having looked around, I said to Ollie, well lots of people have Ford Transits….so that’s gotta mean good things. We wanted something Ollie who is a mechanic could fix himself with easily sourced parts.”
How do you budget?
“We give ourselves a weekly budget, then we remove the cost of fuel and gas. Then we divide it by the seven days. When your home is right behind you all of the way, and when you’re here to mountain bike for free, it’s pretty easy.”

Sully is fitted with a mini kitchen and cooking facilities – and of course, a percolator!
What’s the first thing you think of waking up in the van:
“Same as it was when we lived in a house…. Where’s the coffee?”
How luxurious is van life for you two?
“Don’t get me wrong, we’re not exactly eating a Sunday roast every night but you’ll be surprised what you can do with two hobs.”
Best moment on the road?
“Summer, back when we first got the ol’ boy. We drove to New Gale and parked up on the side of the road, opened the sliding door and watched the sunset from the comfort of our van. Before it went down we ran into he ocean.”
Worst moment?
“Any moment where Sully isn’t well makes you feel a bit sick to the stomach. But, if you break down without help for 12 hours, you have your lounge room, kitchen, bed, food, hot drinks, books, computers, everything to keep you amused.”
Best view from your windscreen?
“The view down into Lynmouth was just breathe taking – mini Switzerland they call it.”
What do you miss most?
“Leaving stuff around. It gets a little bit old having to put everything exactly in the right spot when we move.”
Best thing about van life?
“It being yours. Don’t like your neighbors? Just move. Want an ocean view? Go find it. Feel like living in a forest? Put your lounge room smack bang in the middle of it.”
Worst thing about van life?
“The wind. I love the sound of rain on the roof. I don’t even mind a little bit of hail. When it gets windy though… sheesh, it moves, it rattles, it groans. It amplifies the whole bloody sound and there ain’t no sleeping through that!”
Has the space affected your relationship?
“No. It just confirms what I already know and love. No doubt, you have to be careful who you choose to live in a 3mX2m space with. Every amazing thing I have been able to see, every small achievement and game, he’s right there and we get to experience it together.”