Explaining your introversion to those outside the clan ain’t easy. We’ve come up with this simple letter on behalf of all our wallflower buds.
Dear non-introverted people,
I’m sure there are a ton of questions you’ve probably wanted to hurl at people like me.
“Why are you so damn quiet?” I hear you cry.
“You cancel plans all the time!” you bellow with frustration.
You’ve probably concluded that I’m the super mysterious, awkwardly awkward, angsty type. But that’s totally not true.
I just like to be alone sometimes.
Completely. By myself. With no one else.
You see, there’s something truly magical about getting up on a Saturday morning, the sun pouring through the curtains, the birds softly tweeting their sweet sweet Disney inspired songs and knowing that there’s a beautiful day of nothing ahead.
Yup, you heard me correctly. Nothing.
“That’s a complete waste!” you’re thinking.
Alas, that’s where you’re wrong my friend.
Days like this present the perfect opportunity for me to recharge, chill and if I’m completely honest, just be myself.
Think about it; I spend the whole week around people all the time, having to convince them that I’m somewhat energetic and upbeat. More often than not, I retreat. Huge raging parties and office networking events force me to confront my ultimate arch nemesis: small talk. That’s also why I absolutely despise speaking on the phone, I don’t really wanna talk about the weather or what you’re doing at the weekend, to me it’s all blah blah BLAH. Instead, I like getting into some deep, meaningful type stuff — although that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m gonna let you in on my feelings either… confusing, I know.
Time alone allows all the pressures of keeping up to simply fade away. I can eat what I want, read as many books as many times as I want, laugh at my own non-verbalised jokes, write short stories full of weird imagery and metaphors that only I will ever get, watch endless indie movies with twisted plots and play with my pet pals to my heart’s content.
Nope, I’m not saying I hate you guys. It’s not your fault you think I’m a hermit. I actually love hanging out. But there’s only so much socialising I can take. And just like my iPhone, if I’m pushed too far, I simply run out of power.
Hope that after this, you can empathise with me a little more.
Love and peace,
A proud Wallflower xxx