We know it’s not one of your favourite things to do and sometimes you’d rather not go, but if you do, here’s how we suggest you handle it
“We’re out the door, are you coming?” they yell, albeit a little too loudly.
“Do I have to?” you secretly cringe.
You think to yourself, “I suppose I should. I mean, I did reluctantly agree after their fourth (and supposedly final) request. I’ve only been making up excuses for the past three months now and I think they’ve had enough of me cancelling on them.”
As an introvert, this situation is not unfamiliar. In fact, although cuddling up in your pyjamas with your rosehip and hibiscus tea excites you more than a Bloody Mary on the dance floor ever would, there are some situations which you can’t avoid – like friends’ birthday parties or colleagues’ celebratory dinners, for example.
It always seems impossible, until it’s done – and after experiencing a couple of nights out with the team, here’s the Wallflower take on how it can be done
1 – Take your camera along
So, you love standing behind the camera and clicking images of anything remotely colourful or quirky that catches your attention. Why can’t your camera join the party? Connect with people behind the safety of your camera lens. It gives you something to do and makes you feel useful as you catch your friends’ best angles.
2 – Chin up, buttercup
We may not be the most confident of people, so let’s go with a different word – comfortable. If wearing smoky eyeshadow doesn’t do it for you, then find what does. Perhaps it’s your wedges? Or a little brown dress? It could even be a wide brimmed hat or a shirt that has your message to the world splattered on it. Feeling secure on the inside always helps.

A glimpse into my boho style
3 – Plan ahead
It might help to think of a few jokes or anecdotes before-hand. Then if the conversation gets awkward after the small talk you could just rattle them on and quietly slip away during their moments of laughter.
4 – Gather strength
Some people say introverts don’t get ready for parties, but instead muster up the courage to attend them. We’re with you, sista. Summon the strength you need to prior to attending by doing something you find comforting. Wash your hair, talk to a furry friend, repeat your personal mantra or just binge on popcorn. Do what you must to harness your energy.
5 – Listen more
If you’ve run out of witty or clever things to say and are left staring at the chandelier, then it’s alright to listen. Besides, most people love hearing their own voice. You’ll be doing them a favour.
And when the clock strikes 12, do a Cinderella and vanish.