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Ashley Govier: "It's not an emergency budget"

Ashley Govier, Cardiff Council’s Cabinet member for Environment, has reacted to the proposals for a £45 million reduction in the council budget.

City Hall has announced budget cuts

City Hall has announced budget cuts

“It’s not an emergency budget, it’s a reality budget,” the councillor from Grangetown said.

“We have a conservative government, it’s what they want.”

In reaction to a petition calling to keep Grangetown Play Centre open, following council proposals to shut it down, he said: “On Wednesday, I will be going down to see if we can find another way.”

“We will see what can be done.”

He confirmed that one of the options the council is considering would be to merge the centre’s services together with the leisure centre.

The petition, which has gained 61 signatures in two days, calls to save the play centre from closing on March 31.

“We want to save Grange Town Play Centre. It has been running now for over 30 years!” it says.