- DIY coupons: make some she can use to lounge around all day, while you cook breakfast or do the dishes

Make her a sparkly card
- Handmade card with a heartfelt poem written by you
- Bake her a cake, a batch of cupcakes or some cookies
- A scented candle with a personal message on the label (hint: apple cinnamon is our pick)

Scented candles, warm and comforting
- Her favourite bath products (not yours, hers!) or a gift certificate to the spa

Mum deserves to be pampered, not just today but everyday
- DIY coffee mug (draw on a mug with a permanent marker and bake it)
- A picture frame with a photograph of a happy memory

Frame a happy memory
- If your mum is a coffee addict, maybe a gift card from the best café in town? Or better yet, take her there and let her order anything from the menu that her pretty little heart desires

Keepsake wine glasses
9. A bottle of expensive wine, a matching wine glass to go with it and indulgent dark (or milk) chocolate truffles