Aerial view of planned development ‘Llandaff Park’ in Llandaff by Taylor Wimpey
LLANDAFF residents say they are still worried about increased traffic congestion in the village if a housing development on the current BBC site gets the go ahead.
Developers Taylor Wimpey have won outline planning permission from Cardiff Council to build 364 houses on the Llantrisant Road site when the BBC moves to new premises in the city centre.
Taylor Wimpey have staged public consultations to answer questions and allay fears about the possible impact of the ‘Llandaff Park’ development on the village, particularly in terms of traffic.
In response to concerns, Taylor Wimpey published their transport assessment, which claimed cars coming out of Llandaff Park will have a minimal impact.
A Taylor Wimpey spokesperson said: “After engaging with the community at two consultation events, traffic concerns raised on these occasions, as well as footpaths connecting into and out of the development, have been addressed to the satisfaction of the highways and planning authorities.”
But some residents remain unconvinced and have lodged formal objections to the council about the planning application.
One of the objections posted on the council’s website by Julian Pritchard says the council should have asked the developers to include a new road link between Bridge Road and Llantrisant Road.
Llandaff Society Chairman, Geoff Barton-Greenwood, who also objected, said, “The traffic concerns are horrendous, if the traffic is this bad with what’s happening now with intermittent BBC access, with continued flow from owners of the new houses, we are very concerned that we will have a situation where there is congestion throughout the day, especially if the Bridge Road exit is lost.
“A radical solution for infrastructure is needed, but they are not prepared to do it and I feel they have conveniently neglected to come back to the community after the last consultation.”
Taylor Wimpey insisted that they have conducted public consultations, making changes where necessary and fulfilling their planning obligations through doing so.
The spokesperson added: “Further community engagement is not anticipated as things stand.
“If Reserved Matters consent is granted, it is unlikely Taylor Wimpey will look to consult again as its layout and design etc. will be linked to the consent and, as such, nothing could then be changed without submitting another planning application.”
Building work is not planned to begin until 2019 at the earliest and will only begin if the full detailed plan is approved.